shungui 's famous quotes

hi i am shungui and hope u enjoy my post!!! hope recently have more articles come in!!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

(non funny) ok i had this really strange dream and i though i should share it.

The Journey to underworld.

so one day i fell asleep la, then i dream. the school annouce there's this trip available for students. However, its not a normal trip, its a trip where you HAVE TO DIE in order to go on the trip. if you are lucky, maybe you can come back to life(after the trip ended). For some reason, i SIGNED UP!!! and i ask my beloved rika to go with me!! ( hey , its a dream ok?).

So we went on the trip together.

At the start, we were asked to do a death testing. We were asked to hold our breath in our water till we are dead.

ok, so we submerged our heads and hold our breath. i kept telling rika, hey, its gonna be fast. we are gonna die soon. ok so we held our breath, tick tick tick. suddenly the teachers ask us to get up. ( out of the water) . chey , actually it was a trail only.

ok so the next part, we were going to take Bus 60 to go to a place where we will actually be killed or sth( so that we are dead). and so we go.

when we reached there, i suddenly start the realize, what the hell am i doing here? why am i going on this wth death journey? i realized its a retarded activity and so i shouted for rika. but she was nowhere to be found. everyone else also shouted for her. but i still did not see her. i got really worried and started to cry. i tot she already went on the journey.

then sudddenly she appeared. Whoo!! it seems that she went to the toilet with her girlfrens. haha. then we escaped from that shit hell place and along the way, we saw this Bus 60 and there were many students on it. they were going on the journey.

then i awake. tamade wad a nightmare.


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